Customized Billing Solutions
for Maximum Revenue Generation


At Medical Billing Solutions Nationwide we firmly believe in first understanding your business needs and your processes. It is then we can begin bringing to the table our deep knowledge and experience to become a worthy partner who brings value to your organization.

Our Capabilities

Services Backed by Experience

We have a knowledgeable team that is well aware of the present Medicare, Medicaid, and third-party insurance guidelines. This allows us to provide services that meet with present industry standards and requirements.

Tailored Solutions

We understand distinct business requirements, thus customize our services accordingly to align with your business objectives and optimize your profit generation.

Management Reporting

We formulate various reportsthat include revenue reports, sales analysis reports, cash deposit reports, and A/R reports. These outlines serve as a basis of evaluation that helps in predicting future billing decisions more accurately.

Expert Reviewing

Our experts comprehensively review each document that you provide us to ensure that all requirements are adhered to get pass the audits and obtain the desired claims.

Our Capabilities

Understanding of various business processes being adopted by DME industry

Experience and knowledge of current Medicare, Medicaid and third party insurance guidelines

Experienced staff in critical functions

Management reporting for making crucial business decisions – Revenue Reports, Sales Analysis Reports, Cash Deposit Reports, A/R Reports

Experts in reviewing documentation for qualifying diagnosis, accurate CMNs, and any other requirements necessary to get claims paid or pass audits

How it Works?

With most of our staff having experience in a provider’s office, we understand the needs of both sides. Our customers find it quite simple to transition from in-house billing to out sourcing or to transition from another billing service to ours.
There are two types of processes we follow:
We are comfortable with providing support by accessing the billing system at the customer end.
OR an aletrnate process where the customers provide the details electronically and all the vital information is recorded and a database is built in our DME system.

Standard Process We Follow

Some of the DME Products We Are Experts in

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